Yesterday marked the 21st anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It is also the first of five weeks Congress will spend on August recess. Certainly this doesn’t mean all of our elected officials are off lazing in the sunshine, but the Congressional August recess is, technically, the only paid leave policy in the […]
Our Votes, Our Lives: Support Our Big Vote Project!
Women have much at stake in the 2014 elections, and we need your help.
Let’s Thank These Senators!
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) just held a breakthrough hearing on combating violence against women with IVAWA and CEDAW, and
seven women senators testified. We must thank the Senators for demanding action.
Take Action With Us to #StopTheSultan of Brunei’s Taliban-Like Laws
We need your help! Take action now to stop the imposition of these Taliban-like laws.
Don’t Let Them Get Away With It! Help FM Fight for Equal Pay
The Feminist Majority will not rest until the gender wage gap is closed, but we can’t do it without you. We need your support to keep the momentum going and keep our efforts strong.
It’s Not Over: Talk Back to the Senate on Equal Pay!
Contact your senators today and let them know how you feel about their votes of the Paycheck Fairness Act. Thank your senators if they supported the bill – and if they voted along party lines against equal pay for women, tell them that we will not rest until the gender wage gap is closed.
Take Action: Tell Your Senator to Support Equal Pay!
Exciting news! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has announced that the Senate will vote on equal pay legislation – the Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 84) – as soon as next week.
One Billion Rising: Today, I Rise to #LiftTheBan
I am rising to urge everyone to join me in taking action to reduce the suffering immediately by demanding that President Obama stand up for these girls and women and provide them with access to comprehensive medical care, including the option of abortion, in accordance with the Geneva Conventions.
#LiftTheBan: Take Action and Tweet With Us!
We’re rising today to ask that President Obama to support the women and girls raped in war who are unable to access necessary, comprehensive medical care – and we’re continuing the conversation with a Twitter storm at 1PM EST.
Military Sexual Assault Vote Coming Up: Act NOW!
Help us take on military sexual assault. Email your Senators to tell them that we must change the current system of handling these cases today.