Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has garnered the support of 53 Senators willing to vote in favor of the Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA), which would remove prosecution for cases of military sexual assault from the chain of command, and the legislation is expected to come up for a vote this week. This represents progress for the fight to end military sexual assault – but in order to bring justice to military survivors and avoid a fillibuster, Gillibrand needs at least 60 Senators to vote in its favor.

Call your Senator today and tell them to stand with survivors of military sexual assault and support MJIA. Don’t wait one minute to take action – since the MJIA is expected to come up for a vote this week, we need all the support we can get on this front as soon as possible.
Military sexual assault is at epidemic proportions, and the longstanding problem is not going to get better if we continue to allow sex crimes to be prosecuted within the chain of command. Survivors deserve better, and our lawmakers should stand by the veterans who suffered sexually violent crimes at the hands of their colleagues and comrades.
Help us take on military sexual assault. Email your Senators to tell them that we must change the current system of handling these cases today.