We just returned from the Democratic National Convention and we’re fired up and ready to go! We’re starting by demanding that Congress pass the “real” VAWA.We need your help to move forward on women’s rights, not backward.
Congress is back in session but is scheduled to recess next week. Before Congress recesses, tell them that failure to pass the inclusive, bipartisan Senate version of VAWA will send a clear message to all women and all survivors of violence that House Republicans are continuing to play politics with their safety and lives.
VAWA enjoyed strong, bipartisan support since it was passed in 1994, until the Republican War on Women made everything and anything to do with women a political football. Each reauthorization has improved upon the provisions in the original Act passed 18 years ago.
The “real” VAWA, which includes critical provisions addressing safety on campuses and protections for LGBT, immigrant and Native American survivors of violence, must not be held hostage to partisan politics. House Republicans have passed their own version of the bill eliminating these important provisions.
This battle is yet another example of House Republicans trying to drive us back, but we won’t go back! We will organize like never before this fall to elect leaders who stand with women and are committed to moving forward.
Email your Representative and tell them to pass the “real” VAWA without delay.
For women’s lives,
Norma Gattsek
Government Relations Director
Feminist Majority
Pass the VAWA in it’s original form–with no cuts, no exclusions, and NO excuses now.
As a victim and survivor of childhood & adult violations of my body, this is the legislation that I wished was there for me at the time when I needed it most. We women see ourselves as equal in every way no matter our socio-economic stature, political affiliations, race, or sexual preferences. WE ARE WOMEN who ask the GOP to stop playing with our lives and our right, to live in a society free of violence against all women. We ask this too for the next generation of women who will come of age & need to be shielded from the violence that statistically may start as as dating and escalates into threats & sometimes even death. We need you to stop putting criminals first above we women who abide by the laws & have a right to feel safe when we walk from work to our cars, walk or jog in a park, attend political or sporting events, take our children to the malls & pick them up late at nite from social gatherings. Please surely you must love the women in your own life so what makes women you don’t directly know any less important to those who love & cherish and need them.
It is WAY beyond time to pass the REAL Violence Against Women Act!
I’m a voter and a woman. I can’t separate those two things. I will give my vote to the individual or representative that supports my rights and views. I need to know that whomever that is understands that I demand to live in a world safe from violence. I am your mother, your sister, your wife, your daughter, your grandmother, your aunt, your neice, your future if you don’t protect me we all will suffer. I will share my experiences with whomever I meet and I will let my legacy live on. Don’t take me for granted.
We’re starting by demanding that Congress pass the “real” VAWA.We need your help to move forward on women’s rights, not backward.
Congress is back in session but is scheduled to recess next week. Before Congress recesses, tell them that failure to pass the inclusive, bipartisan Senate version of VAWA will send a clear message to all women and all survivors of violence that House Republicans are continuing to play politics with their safety and lives.
VAWA enjoyed strong, bipartisan support since it was passed in 1994, until the Republican War on Women made everything and anything to do with women a political football. Each reauthorization has improved upon the provisions in the original Act passed 18 years ago.
The “real” VAWA, which includes critical provisions addressing safety on campuses and protections for LGBT, immigrant and Native American survivors of violence, must not be held hostage to partisan politics. House Republicans have passed their own version of the bill eliminating these important provisions.
Tell your Representatives that no one chooses to be victimized and our Congress should not enact a law that chooses which person deserves protection under VAWA. Violence is violence.
This battle is yet another example of House Republicans trying to drive us back, but we won’t go back! We will organize like never before this fall to elect leaders who stand with women and are committed to moving forward.