Thirteen women Senators lined up behind Hillary Clinton last night at a campaign event in Washington, DC to endorse her for President of the United States.
Let’s Thank These Senators!
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) just held a breakthrough hearing on combating violence against women with IVAWA and CEDAW, and
seven women senators testified. We must thank the Senators for demanding action.
Go Green or Go Home Carly!
By Mehrin Rahman and Emmy Bengtson Actually, just go home… The environment was definitely a hot topic of yesterday’s debate between Fiorina and Senator Boxer. Fiorina accused Senator Boxer of being “beholden” to “extreme environmental groups”. Of course when asked to give examples of the groups she accused Senator Boxer of supporting, Fiorina stuttered, made […]
Go Green or Go Home Carly!
By Mehrin Rahman and Emmy Bengtson Actually, just go home…The environment was definitely a hot topic of yesterday’s debate between Fiorina and Senator Boxer.Fiorina accused Senator Boxer of being “beholden” to “extreme environmental groups”. Of course when asked to give examples of the groups she accused Senator Boxer of supporting, Fiorina stuttered, made excuses, and […]
And the winner is… Barbara Boxer!
By Emmy Bengtson and Mehrin Rahman Boxer wins!! Certainly in this debate and hopefully come November 2. In their second meeting to discuss prominent issues of the upcoming election, Boxer and Fiorina answered questions on health care, abortion, immigration, the environment, and the economy. Debate moderators Patt Morrison of the L.A. Times and KPCC and […]