We at the Feminist Majority have watched with heavy hearts the events that have unfolded over the last week, first in Charlottesville, and then in the President’s shameful and dangerous response, especially at Tuesday’s press conference. Words matter, so I wanted to share a few of my own. The people of all genders, ages, races […]
Author: Eleanor Smeal
3 Actions You Can Take to Stop White Supremacy and Stand up for Civil and Human Rights
Demand President Trump fire Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka. Sign the petition from the Leadership Conference, a coalition of civil and human rights organizations the Feminist Majority has proudly been a member of for many years. Sign the petition to take down Confederate monuments. Color of Change’s campaign seeks to remove Confederate symbols of hate […]
GOP Trumpcare Plan: Give Over $145 Billion to Corporate Donors
By now, it’s well known that the Senate Trumpcare plan would force 22 million people to go without health insurance. That alone should be enough for Senators to reject this cruel proposal. But, that’s not all. The plan would also stuff the pockets of the health insurance industry to a tune of over $145 billion. […]
TAKE ACTION: Stop the War on Planned Parenthood!
The outrageous attacks on Planned Parenthood must stop.
URGENT: House Vote on Fast Track for TPP
We need your help! The House could vote as early as this week to “fast track” the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a harmful trade deal that threatens women’s rights, human rights, and women workers.
URGENT: Take Action Before Today’s Senate Vote on a Fast Track for TPP
The Senate will vote this afternoon on whether to move forward with proposed “fast track” legislation that would pave the way for the US to enter into a special economic relationship with the anti-women’s rights, anti-human rights Sultan of Brunei – the same dictator who recently enacted an outrageous “kill-a-gay” and “flog-a-woman” penal code.
Enough is Enough: Tell the Senate to #ConfirmLynch!
We must act now to urge confirmation of this outstanding nominee.
Fast Track and TPP: A Recipe for Disaster for Women and LGBT Communities
To force the controversial deal through Congress, TPP advocates are pressing Congress to adopt so-called “Fast Track” legislation, which would dramatically curtail the ability of Congress to shape the TPP and other trade agreements to protect the rights of women, LGBT communities, workers, or the environment.
Urgent: Take Action TODAY for Equal Pay!
Big news! We’ve received word that the Senate will vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act as early as tomorrow. Join us in demanding equal pay and urge your Senator today to help pass this piece of legislation that is critical for women’s economic equality.
Come Rally in DC for Women’s Rights!
I’m inviting you to join the Feminist Majority and our feminist allies as we rally for women’s rights on Saturday, September 13. We’re calling for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment!