Photo from Bulent Kilic AFP/Getty Images On Saturday morning, nearly 90 schoolgirls in Afghanistan’s northern Sari-i-Pul Province were reported falling ill by poisoning. 63 students and staff members at Kabod Aab School, along with 26 more students and staff members at the nearby Faiz Abad Girls’ School, suffered from shortness of breath, nausea, neurological and […]
Oklahoma approves nation’s first religious charter school
Photo from Richard G Smith / This week, Oklahoma’s Statewide Virtual Charter School Board voted to approve the country’s first ever religious charter school, St. Isidore of Seville. Since charter schools are a type of publicly funded school that are independently managed, this Catholic school will be funded entirely by taxpayer dollars. The establishment […]
Beto O’Rourke is the Candidate Texas Deserves
Exactly one month before a Presidential election, my mother will walk outside and stick ten political yard signs in our grass. Without fail, each night someone comes by and tears them down, such a common Texas occurrence that the film Boyhood had an entire scene about it. While she knows that her signs will be […]
NC House Passes Anti-Abortion Education Bill
Last week the North Carolina state House of Representatives passed a health education bill requiring middle school students to be taught in sex-ed classes that abortion is a cause of pre-term births in future pregnancies.