There are bi-partisan concerns over the sexual assault and misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Arizona Senator Jeff Flake just told the country that unless there is an FBI investigation into the allegations, he will NOT support Kavanaugh’s nomination in a Senate floor vote. Senators Manchin and Murkowski have now come out in support of Flake’s call for an investigation.
A statement by Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority:
“Sexual violence survivors and their allies have been at the forefront of the drive for an FBI investigation. Senator Flake’s declaration today is thanks in large part to the persistence of survivors who’ve confronted him directly over the last two weeks, demanding that they be heard and respected.
We believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Her testimony yesterday was credible, fruitful, and impactful. She is one hundred percent certain that Brett Kavanaugh is the man who sexually assaulted her when she was 15. She should have been afforded an FBI investigation before testifying in front of the committee, but it’s better late than never.
We’d like to thank the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats who have been working tirelessly to bring about an FBI investigation, including working with Senator Flake. The voices of survivors must be heard.
For the integrity of the federal judiciary, and for the health and safety of survivors across the country, we demand that the Senate move to delay the floor vote on Kavanaugh while a thorough, trauma-informed FBI investigation is conducted.”