A statement by Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority:

“We are horrified by the sexual assault allegations reported this morning against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The account of Kavanaugh’s attack of this woman is beyond disturbing, it is disqualifying.

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s decades-long record of defending women’s rights is unimpeachable, which is why she is committed to respecting the woman’s wishes for confidentiality. All survivors, at the minimum, deserve this. Senator Feinstein, together with many other Senators on the Judiciary Committee, have questioned the character and veracity of Kavanaugh throughout the hearing.

Since day one, the Senate majority has forced through this nomination as quickly as possible, concealing over 90 percent of Kavanaugh’s record in the process, and the entire time we and many others have asked, what are they hiding?

As the country reckons with our national epidemic of sexual violence, the last thing we need is a man confirmed to a lifetime position on the highest court of the land who has serious allegations against him.

Clearly there are major aspects of Kavanaugh’s history that have yet to be known by Senators and the public. We demand that the Senate Judiciary Committee stop this nomination process immediately. There is absolutely no reason to rush, especially at this time, when serious allegations have been made.”

