Former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was forced to resign in disgrace in May 2018 after four women with whom he had previously been in relationships accused him of repeated physical abuse described as hitting, beating, choking, and slapping. After initially insisting that the physical abuse had been “consensual,” Schneiderman admitted hours later that the allegations were in fact true. The Nassau County District Attorney has said that while she believes the women, legal impediments, such as statutes of limitations, preclude her from moving forward with a criminal prosecution at this time.
Dear Former New York Attorney General Schneiderman:
In light of reports that you will not face criminal charges related to your physical abuse of several women, and in light of your statement that you will “accept full responsibility” for your abusive behavior and “for the impact it had” on the women whom you harmed, we, the undersigned, ask you to turn your words of contrition into action.
Now is the time to show your sincerity. We call on you to donate all of the remaining funds from your now defunct re-election campaign to groups that are working to end the national scourge of intimate partner and sexual violence, and that provide services and support to survivors of gender-based violence.
We understand that you collected over $8.5 million in campaign contributions, of which you continue to hold millions. There are several national, reputable organizations with whom you could consult on how to disperse these funds so you can ensure that the money is being used to support appropriate programs that center the voices, needs, and concerns of all survivors regardless of age, economic status, race, gender-identity, sexual orientation, or religion.
Intimate partner violence in the United States is a pervasive problem with long-lasting impacts on survivors, their families, and communities. Every year, more than 10 million women and men are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, and overall, one in three women in the United States has experienced some form of intimate partner violence in her lifetime. Survivors who experience intimate partner violence (IPV), which often includes sexual violence and assault, suffer physical, mental, and emotional harm, and for some victims, IPV can be fatal.
As a national figure who enjoyed years of privilege and who, through your actions, denigrated the public trust in your position as New York State Attorney General, you not only have a special responsibility to hold yourself accountable for your conduct, but you have an unprecedented opportunity to now make a positive difference.